Kane Mountain Steward Program Underway

The Kane Mountain Steward program has begun.  Twelve volunteers attended the initial training provided by Laurie Rankin Director of the NYS Chapter of the Forest Fire Lookout Association (NYSFFLA).
The Canada Lakes Conservation Association is co-sponsoring the new Kane Mountain Steward program with the NYSFFLA.  Volunteers included 5 CLCA members and 7 volunteers from the Capital District area who are all Kane Mountain lovers.  CLCA volunteers include Joe and Mary Jablonski, Nancy Fink Myers, Ann Michalek and Marcus Harazin.
In the first weekend of operation Mary and Joe Jablonski and Ann Michalek spoke with 112 visitors.  The visitors from the farthest away were from Germany. They were passing through on their way to Toronto.  Other visitors came from several states, as well as New York State. Many were first timers who were thrilled to learn about the fire towers and local area.  It provided a chance to stress leave no trace principles and efforts to keep the area pristine.  Stickers, rub on tattoos, and palm cards educating hikers about fire prevention and conservation were very popular.
The NYSFFLA provided all volunteers with a volunteer shirt and DEC volunteer patch.  In addition, the CLCA provided volunteers with our NEW Kane Mountain patch just designed by member Dick Loomis.
The program is off to a great start. We hope that it will help reduce graffiti and vandalism.  Volunteer stewards will cover at least one weekend each month this summer as part of a demonstration program with hopes to expand the program next year.
Members of CLCA who are interested in volunteering can contact Marcus Harazin at marcusharazin@gmail.com for more information.
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