An Act of Congress on May 19th, 1898 required the words “Private Mailing Card” to be printed on the back or address side of all cards. At the same time the production of cards or postals shifted from the government to private publishers.
With the new postal regulations of December 24th, 1901, the words “Post Card” replaced “Private Mailing Card” on the backs of privately made cards. Loosening of restrictions allowed for larger and higher quality images on the front of the cards. Messages appeared on the sides or bottom of the front of the cards. The backs were dedicated to the address. It would be in March, 1907 that the back would include both the message and address with the front dedicated to a picture.
 |  | "Canada Lake near Gloversville, N.Y.," Postal Card. Post mark: 1903 (Pine Lake) |
 |  | "Canada Lake near Gloversville, N.Y.. Green Lake Outlet (1579 feet above the sea) and Kane Mountain," postal card, undivided back. Postmark: 1904 (Auskerada). |
 |  | "Canada Lake House, Canada Lake near Gloversville, N.Y.," postal card, undivided back. |
 |  | "Canada Lake near Gloversville, N.Y. Auskerada Hotel. 1579 feet above the Sea," postal card. Postmarked: 1904 (Pine Lake). |
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 |  | "Canada Lake Nick Stoner Island near Gloversville, N.Y.. 1579 feet above the sea," Postal Card, undivided back. |
 |  | "Canada Lake near Gloversville, N.Y.- Green Lake Bridge, Mettowee Cottage," Postal Card. |
 |  | Canada Lake, near Gloversville, N.Y. Mettowee Bay," signed by Cowles & Casler. Post Card. Post mark: 1904? (Gloversville) |
 |  | "Canada Lake, near Gloversville, N.Y., Green Lake Bridge," Cowles & Casler, undivided back. Postmark: 1906 (Amsterdam). |
 |  | "Canada Lake, Road in Deserted Village," Pine Lake P.O., N.Y., Postmarked Pine Lake. The 1905 Caroga Map identifies the Caroga P.O. as Pine Lake. |
 |  | "Canada Lake, London Bridge," Pine Lake P.O.. Postmarked: 1904 (Pine Lake) (AF) |
 |  | "Canada Lake, View over Green Lake," Pine Lake P.O., N.Y., Post Card, undivided back; Postmark: 1906 (Canada Lake, Pine Lake, Gloversville) |
 |  | "Canada Lake, View on Lily Lake," Pine Lake P.O., N.Y., undivided back. |
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