Founded in Chicago in 1898, the Curt Teich Company would become the most dominant printer of postcards in the United States. An immigrant from Germany, Curt Teich came from a printing and publishing family. By 1903, the Teich Company became involved with the postcard industry. At first like other American publishers, the company was dependent on German imports, but the company’s documents requesting incorporation in 1904 state the dual purpose of importing and printing souvenir cards. That same year Teich returned to Germany to learn about innovative German methods of high-volume printing. (Curt Teich Postcard Archives Digital Collection) .
1910 was a pivotal year for the Curt Teich Company. In 1909, the tariffs imposed on the import of postcards printed in Germany upended companies whose business models depended on German printers to meet the demand for postcards. Some companies like Rotograph went out of business. Others looked to printers in the United States. One such company was the Hugh C. Leighton Company of Portland Maine. Fearing the increased cost of German imports, Leighton contracted with Teich to print a new series of cards with around 1,500 views. That same year Teich introduced a new printing technique, offset lithography which allowed them to produce larger runs more rapidly. This helped to establish Teich’s position as a dominant producer of postcards.
The majority of the postcards associated with Canada and Caroga Lakes were Teich products. Production numbers included on the cards allow us to date the cards and to group them in different series. The first series with production numbers from A15130- A15158 were most likely printed in 1910 and show views of Canada and Caroga Lakes.
Early accounts record that Curt Teich would travel the country by train and stop off at towns. He would photograph the major sites and negotiate with a local business for the production of postcards with a minimum of 1,000 cards per subject at $1 per thousand. In the case of the Canada and Caroga Lakes cards, it is unlikely that Teich visited, but instead the company acquired Real Photo Postcards (RPPC) and reissued them as half-tone color prints. For a number of the cards in this first Canada and Caroga Lake series we can identify the Real Photo Postcard source. The attached table lists the cards in this first series and identifies the Real Photo Postcard source whenever possible. Comparison of the captions of these reveals that they were the work of different photographers. For example, the same blocky lettering is found in the cards captioned “Lake Side Drive,” “Fulton Hotel,” and “Fulton’s Landing:”
This photographer is different from the one responsible for five Caroga Lake views whose captions have a different style of lettering and consistently misspell “View” as “Veiw.”
While on the basis of the captions it is likely that at least three different photographers were responsible for the RPPC cards that were the sources for the Teich cards, the identity of these photographers is not known. Photographers were known to contract with printers to produce print versions of their photographs, but it also known that agents would buy cards off the rack and contract with printers. Since the Canada and Caroga Lake cards are a series, it is likely that these cards were “pirated” without the photographers’ permission.
Part of the popularity of the printed postcards was the idea that they represent transparent views of the American scene. Comparison of the early Teich cards with their sources demonstrates the image presented in these cards are two steps removed from reality. Like today’s Photoshop images, the Teich cards present significant adjustments. One of the most obvious changes can be seen in the addition of an early auto in the Teich card based on the “Lakeside Drive” RPPC.
In other cases boats were added as found in a comparison of RPPC and Teich cards both entitled “Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.:”
A comparison of the Teich card of the Auskerada to its RPPC source demonstrates the editing done by the Teich designer.
The photograph has been rotated to make the building level, and the image has been cropped so that the chimney touches the top of the card making the hotel seem more imposing. Details like the telephone poles and some of the figures were edited out to reduce the clutter of the final image. In the middle of the foreground of the RPPC source a blurred figure of a moving figure along with the head of another figure can be seen. These have been eliminated in the Teich card. Wispy clouds were added to break up the monotony of the sky in the RPPC source. These light peach colored clouds are almost a signature for these early Teich cards.
One of the appeals of the printed postcards was the addition of color which was intended to enhance the realism of the images. The photographic sources were black and white so their color is artificial. In ordering, customers were expected to submit detailed instructions for use of colors for details like the color of a building, clothing, and other significant details. The artificial nature of the color is evident in comparing the Teich Green Lake card to its RPCC source.
Much of the appeal of the Teich card is the peach colored glow of apparently the early morning sky and its reflection on the lake. While enhancing the verisimilitude of the card, this is the creation of the Teich designer. The designer also enhanced the contrast of the silhouette of Camel’s Hump against the sky. In the RPCC source Camel’s Hump fades into the background sky, and there is no clear indication of the time of day. The designer also captures a mood for the scene by creating a balance between the warm glow of the sky and the cool silhouette of the mountain and the foreground water.
A comparison of this Teich card to a Rotograph one of a very similar view demonstrates how the different companies had their own aesthetics. The silver green shoreline and gray sky are characteristic of the Rotograph handcolored collotypes.
In examining these cards, we need to pay attention to the roles played by the photographer and the designer. The photographer made a visual record of the physical world, while the designer transformed the image through artifice into something more approximating a work of art. Expressions like “pretty as a picture postcard” or “postcard perfect” convey this sense of the artificial beauty that is the creation of the designer. It is perhaps in acknowledgment of this that about 1915 Teich changed its brand name from “C.T. Photochrom” to “C.T. American Art.”
A large series of Caroga and Canada Lakes’ Curt Teich cards can be dated to 1919 on the basis of their production numbers A80506-A80518. These cards present significant changes in the format and content. The most obvious difference is the introduction of a white border around the sides of the images. Introduced in 1913, the white border cards would be characteristic of Teich products until the 1930s. The white borders saved in costs of ink and simplified the cutting of the cards. These cards also have a matte finish as opposed to the lacquer-like finish of the earlier cards.
The card entitled “Bedfords Store, between East and West Caroga Lake, N.Y.” illustrates the change in content. Like many of the Teich cards of this period, an automobile has been placed prominently outside the store. Small general stores like Bedford’s sprung up in Caroga during this period to meet the needs of summer residents. A sign to the right of the porch advertises the sale of groceries, candies, tobacco, cigars, and significantly post cards.
Cards in the same series like one entitled “South Side, Canada Lake, N.Y.” and “One of the Pretty Coves, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.” document the construction of summer family camps. So the era of stages and hotels is giving way to the era of cars and camps.
Beginning with a card dated to 1921 entitled “21 Fine Boating, West Caroga Lake, N.Y.”, the Teich postcards document the development of Sherman’s from a dance hall and beach into an amusement park.
This inventory sheet from the Curt Teich company lists production numbers for all of the Canada Lake cards in this first series. The production numbers are not clearly dated for this first series (A15130-A15158). but they are probably from 1910. The earliest known postmark in the series is 1910. Two of the real photo postcards are postmarked 1910. The paper of the real photo postcards also indicate a date of 1910. There is no evidence of the real photo cards being produced before 1910. We also know that 1910 was the year that Teich introduced offset lithography which dramatically increased the company's production capabilities.
Illustration on page 159 of McMartin'e Caroga book. It is a real photo postcard. Note how the font in the caption is the same used in other Canada Lake real photo postcards, especially the Teich cards. There is no doubt that this was the source for the Teich "Lake Side Drive" card. The automobile was added.
"Lake Side Drive, Canada Lake, N.Y.," Teich. Production number: A-15130. Postmarked: 1912 (Pine Lake).
Compare to picture in McMartin, p. 150 which shows the same view dated to 1907. Was the automobile added to the postcard image?
"Canada Creek, Canada Lake, N.Y.," Teich printer: A-15131 appears in Teich archive. Postmark: 1911 (Lake ?)
Real photo postcard that is the source of 15132 "Auskerada Hotel." Notice how a number of the figures and telephone poles that appear in the real photo postcard are eliminated in the Teich card.
"Auskerada Hotel, Canada Lake, N.Y.," divided back, Teich card, Production number: A15132. Postmarked: 1911 (Canada Lake). (AF)
Real photo postcard: "Shore View, East Caroga Lake, N.Y."
"Shore View, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.." Teich. Production number: A-15133. Postmark: 1911 (Knights) (DG)
"View from Footbridge," real photo postcard. Shows James' Point (see Caroga, p. 138).
"View from Foot Bridge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y," Teich card (A-15134,), divided back. Postmarked 1911 (Knights). McMartin, p. 137: "One of the first stores at the south of the Caroga settlement belonged to the Knight family." It was located at the intersection of Rts. 10 & 29A. "H. Knight" is marked on the 1905 map. The store also served as a Post Office (McMartin, p. 150). (DG)
Real photo postcard "Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake." Illustrated in McMartin, p. 141.
"Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich card. Production number: A-15135. (DG). Like the "Lake Side Drive" card, this card adds additional details not found in the real photo postcard. In this case, a series of boats have been added.
A 15135 (reissue)
"Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake, N.Y." Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer; Production number: A 15135. White border card. On the basis of the treatment on the back, this card was reissued in 1921.(DG)
"Veiw [sic] of Bridge East Caroga Lake," divided back, Postmarked: 1910 (Green Lake), (DG) See later card "Veiw from Sowle Cottage" The same paper is used. Also see "East Caroga Stage" card, likely the same paper.
"The Bridge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y." Teich Card (A-15136,), divided back, postmarked 1911 (Gloversville).
A-15136 (reissue)
"The Bridge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer (production number: A-15136), divided back, white border card. On the basis of the back, this card was reissued in 1919. (DG)
Real photo postcard. See McMartin, p. 140.
"Foot Bridge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich Card (A-15138,), divided back, postmark is possibly 1911 (Knights).
"West Caroga Lake," real photo post card, divided back. Paper: Cyko A2.66 EKD May 2, 1910. Same paper as "Veiw [sic] of Bridge East Caroga Lake" and "Veiw [sic] From Sowle Cottage East Caroga Lake." Possibly a picture of Charles Simonson in his "sleek white racing boat" named the Silver Fizz (Caroga, p. 140).
A-15139 (reissue)
"West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: A-15139. On basis of the treatment of the back, this card was reissued in 1919.
"Veiw [sic] From Sowle Cottage East Caroga Lake," real photo postcard. paper: Cyko 5, A2.66 Variation B of A2.64. EKD May 2, 1910 (Bogdan & Weseloh, p. 232) Photo source for next two cards. See earlier card "Veiw of Bridge East Caroga." Same paper used. (DG)
"Boating, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich Card (production number: A-15140). Postmarked: 1913 (Knights). (DG)
A-15140 (reissue)
"Boating, East Caroga Lake, N.Y. 20," published by Charles W. Hughes, printed by Teich (A-15140) This is a reissue of the older card. The back comes closest to cards issued in 1922 in every way except for the "TC" monogram at the bottom of the vertical which has light against dark.
"Veiw [sic] from..." real photo post card, divided back. Postmark: 1910 (Gloversville) (DG)
"Channel, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich Card (A-15141) divided back, postmarked 1911 (Gloversville).
A-15141 (reissue)
"Channel, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer (A-15141), white border reissue of previous card. On the basis of the treatment of the back, this reissue dates to 1919.
Real Photo Postcard, see McMartin, p. 143.
"Lake View, West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich Card (A-15142), postmarked: 1911 (Knights).
"Lake Front, West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich card. Production number:(A-15143). Postmark: 1912 (Knights)
"Fulton Hotel, Canada Lake," Paper: Azo 4 , ekd 1907 (Weseloh and Bogdan, p. 222)
"Fulton's Hotel, Canada Lake, N.Y." Curt Teich, Production number: A-15156. Postmarked: ? (Johnstown). (AF)
"Fulton's Landing," real photo postcard, Paper: possibly Solio 2, EKD 1911. Bogdan & Weseloh, p. 223. Postmark: 1912 (Pine Lake).
"Lake View West, Canada Lake, N.Y." view from the docks of the Canada Lake Hotel, divided back; Teich printer, Production number: 15157. Postmark: Caroga Lake. (AF)
Real Photo Postcard that is the source of A 15158 "Green Lake, Canada Lake, N.Y." Notice how the picture has been cropped and the silhouette of Camel's Hump has been sharpened in the Teich Card.
A 15158
"Green Lake, Canada Lake, N.Y," Divided back; Teich printer. Production number: A 15158
"West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Charles W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer (A-72653; production number indicates a date of 1917); postmarked: 1918 (Gloversville). 2 cent postage.
"Simonson Bridge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y." Charles W. Hughes card, Teich printer (A-72655, production number dates card to 1917), postmarked 1917 (Gloversville).
"Bedfords Store, between East and West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," published by Chas. W. Hughes, printed by Teich. Production number: A-80506, probably 1919. Postmark: 1924, Caroga Lake. (DG)
"West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 19," Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: A-80507 indicates a date of 1919. On the basis of the treatment of the back, this card is a reissue from 1921.
"Allen Inn at Canada Lake, N.Y.," "white border card," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich Printer. Production number: A80508, dates card to 1919. (AF)
"Canada Lake showing Allen Inn, Adirondack Mts., N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: A-80509 (1919)
A 80510
"South Side, Canada Lake, N.Y.", Hughes publisher; Teich printer, Production number: A 80510 dates card to 1919. Postmark: 1920. (AF)
"North Side, Canada Lake, N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: A-80511 (1919)
"East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," published by Charles W. Hughes, Teich printer. Production number: A-80512 (probably 1919)
"One of the Pretty Coves, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," published by Charles W. Hughes, printed by Teich. Production number: A-80513 indicates a date of 1919. Postmark: 1921 (Knights).
"James Point, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Charles W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer; production number: A-80514 indicates a date of 1919. (DG)
"Green Lake in the Adirondacks, N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: A-80515 (1919). Postmark: 1920 (Caroga Lake).
Canada Lake and Nick Stoner Island, N.Y., C.W. Hughes postcard, Postmarked: 1921 (Johnstown). Teich production number: A-80516 (1919?)
"Durey Land and Lumber Co., Canada Lake, N.Y." (Teich Archives gives production number "A80517" and dates it 1919?
Durey Land and Lumber Co., card printed by C.W. Hughes & Co.
"Green Lake and Camels Hump Mt. Adirondacks, N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: A-80518 (1919)
A86136 ?
"21 Fine Boating, West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Back is damaged, but clearly a Hughes published and Teich printed card. On the basis of what remains, this is an early card. The Teich archives have two cards that would qualify: A80513? 1919 Harbors and docks; A86136 1921 Harbors Docks. What remains of the back is consistent with cards produced in 1921.
A 86137
"22 Beach at West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: A 86137 (1921?). Note dated 1923.
"Vrooman's Beach, West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 23," Chas. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number:A-86138 (1921).
"Canada Lakes Looking West from Picture Rock, Adirondack Mts. 29" C. W. Hughes, Teich printer. 89927 (1922). Postmarked 1924 (Knights).
A 89928
"View of Green Lake from Cave Rock, Adirondack Mts., N.Y.," no. 28, published by Chas. W. Hughes, Mechanicsville, N.Y., made in U.S.A. The production number A 89928 according to the Teich Archives dates the original of this card to 1922. The card looks like a linen card which Teich began issuing in 1931.
"Canada Lake from Auskevada [sic] Pavilion, Adirondack Mts., N.Y. 27," Chas. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: A-89229 (1922?).
"View of Highway and East Shore, Canada Lake, Adirondack Mts., N.Y., 26," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer: A-89930 (1922?)
"View of Highway and East Shore, Canada Lake," a C.W. Hughes postcard. Number 26 in the series.
"View of State Highway and Canada Lake, Adirondack Mts., N.Y. 25," Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: A-89931 (1922?). Postmark: 1928.
"View from Cave Rock, Showing Canada, West Canada, and Lily Lakes, Adirondack Mts., N.Y. 24," Chas. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: A-89932 (1922).
"Auskevada [sic] Pavilion, Canada Lake, Adirondack Mts., N.Y.," Hawley & Hyde, Canada Lake, N.Y publishers; Teich printer Production number: R-90090.
A 91821
"Bathing Beach and Cottages, West Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts. N.Y. 35," Chas. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: A 91821 (1922). Postmark: 1923 (Caroga Lake).
"View of Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts., N.Y. 34," Chas. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer, Production number: A-91822. Postmark: 1926 (Gloversville)
A 91823
"View of Cottages, East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts. N.Y. 33," Chas. W. Hughes Publisher; Teich printer, Production number: A 91823 indicates a date of 1922 (DG)
"North Shore of East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts., N.Y. 32," Hughes publisher, Teich printer. Production number: A-91824 indicates a date of 1922. Note on card is dated June 5, 1923.
"Cottages on Whitmans Point, East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts, N.Y. 31," Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: A-91825 indicates a date of 1922. Postmark: 1927 (Knights) (DG).
"Rustic Bridge Leading to Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts., N.Y. 30," Charles W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer; production number: A-91826 (indicates 1922), divided back, postmarked 1924 (Gloversville)
"The Lodge, Showing Kane Mt., Pine Lake, N.Y. 54,"C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 106148 (1925)
"Pine Lake, showing Pine Mountain, Pine Lake, N.Y. 55," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer, Production number: 106149 (1925).
"Mountain Scenery at Pine Lake, N.Y., Adirondack Mts. 56," C. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 106150 (1925).
"An Attractive Beach Scene on East Caroga Lake, N.Y. 39," Publisher: C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer: Production number: 106466 (1925). Postmark: ? (Knights)
"Sherman's, Caroga Lake, N.Y. 41," C. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 106467 (1925). Postmark: 1926 (Caroga Lake).
"Looking North over West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 42," production number: 106468, indicating a date of 1925. Postmarked 1926 (Knights). Sherman's can be seen in the background.
"View of the Northside, East Caroga Lake, N.Y. 43," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 106469 (1925). Postmark: ? (Knights). 2 cent stamp. (DG)
"State Highway and Lake, West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 44," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 106470 (1925). Postmark: 1927 (Caroga Lake).
"Glimpse of West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 48," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 106471 indicates a date of 1925.
"State Highway and Bathing Beach, West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 40," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 106472 (1925).
"State Highway at Shermans, West Caroga Lake N.Y. 45," C. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 106474 (1925)
"Bathing Pier at Shermans, West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 46," C. W. Hughes publisher. Curt Teich printer. Production number: 106474.
"Sherman's Bathing Beach, West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 60," S. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 117713 (1926).
"Bathing Beach at Sherman's, West Caroga, N.Y. 61," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 117714 (1926). Postmark: 1933 (Delmar)
"Bird's Eye View of Pine Lake from Kane Mt., Adirondack Mts. 102," C. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 123264 dates card to 1928. (AF)
"Boat Landing near Point Breeze, Canada Lake, N.Y. 20" C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 123265 dates card to 1928.
"First Tee, Golf Links, Canada Lake N.Y., Adirondack Mts.," (no. 87), 123266., published by C.W. Hughes & Co, Mechanicsville, N.Y. (Teich archive dates card to 1928) McMartin, p. 219 identifies the golfers as Mr. and Mrs. E. Mochrie and Mr. and Mrs. J. MacDougal (Dot Leavitt). Ross Reynolds is the caddy.
"Canada Lake and Kane Mt. Adirondack Mts, N.Y. 90," C.W. Hughes publisher. Printed by Teich. Production number: 123269 (1928).
"Sherman's Arcade, West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 91," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 123270 (1928) .
"Golf Links at Canada Lake in the Adirondack Mts, N.Y. 92," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer; production number: 123271 (dates card to 1928).
"View from Kane Mountain, N.Y. showing Canada, Lily, and West Lakes, Adirondack Mts. 93," C. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 123272 (1928)
"Bathing Beach, Pine Lake, N.Y. in the Adirondacks 97," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 123274 (1928)
"Bathing Beach and Dance Pavilion, Groshans Park. Pine Lake, N.Y. in the Adirondacks 100," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 123275 (1928)
"Caroga Recreation Club House, Canada Lake, N.Y. 95," C. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 123489 (1928). Postmark: 1932 (Caorga Lake).
"Looking up East Caroga Lake, N.Y., as seen from the south 108," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 0A5014 (1930). Postmark: 1932 (Knights) (DG)
"Free Public Campsite, Caroga Lake, N.Y. 109," C. W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer (production number 0A5015 dates card to 1930). Postmarked: 1931 (Gloversville).
"Along South Shore, East Caroga Lake, N.Y. 111," C.W. Hughes publisher; Curt Teich printer. Production number: 0A5016
"East Caroga Lake, N.Y. from South Side 112," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number 0A5017, 1930
"East Caroga Lake, N.Y. from South Side 25; Highway Bridge in Distance between East and West Caroga Lakes," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number 0A5018, probably 1930. (DG)
"Sherman's West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number:0A5019 (probably 1930)
"Sherman's, West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," C. W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer. Production number:0A5020 (probably 1930).
"Along South Shore of West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 26," C.W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer (production number on obverse: 0A5021, probably in a series dating from 1930). Postmarked: 1935 (Caroga Lake). (DG)
"Looking Across West Caroga Lake, N.Y. from Highway 27," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer; production number: 0A5022; judging from production number, probably in a series from 1930.
"Beach and Highway at Sherman's, West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 122," C. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 0A5023 (probably 1930)
"Berghoff's Trading Post, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 2A1485 dates card to 1932. After the store burnt it was replaced by the now closed Shutts' gas station (McMartin, p. 152).
"Pine Lake, N.Y.," Teich. Production number: 3A-H1621. Linen. Postmark:1937 (Canada Lake).
"Post Office, Caroga Lake, N.Y. 16," Linen, C. W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer. Production number: 4A371 (1934) (DG)
"Highway to Caroga Lake, N.Y. 3," Hughes publisher; Teich printer, Production number: 4A433, dates card to 1934. Berghoff's Trading Post appears on the left.
"Pine Lake-Round Top in Distance, Adirondack Mts. N.Y. 15," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 4A434 (1934). Postmark: 1936 (Canada Lake).
"Bathing Beach at Pine Lake, N.Y. Adirondacks Mts. 14," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 4A435 (1934). Postmark: 1937 (Canada Lake).
"Entrance to Pine Lake, N.Y. Adirondack Mts. 13," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer: 4A436 (1934).
"Canada Lake from State Highway, Canada Lake, N.Y.," no 11, printed by C.W. Hughes & Co. Production number: 4A452. Teich archives dates the card to 1934. Linen.
"Glimpse of West Caroga Lake, N.Y. -19CI. C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number:4A-H1566. Linen. Postmark: 1945 (Gloversville).
"West Caroga Lake and Sherman's Bathing Beach, Caroga Lake, N.Y. 5," C. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 4A-H1571 (1934)
"Sherman's Bathing Beach, West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 9CL," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 4A-H1572.
"Custer Cars at Sherman's, Caroga Lake, N.Y. 1," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 4A-H1573 (1934). Postmark: 1936 (Saint Johnsville). About 1925 Levitt Custer had developed a battery operated Custer Amusement Park Car. In the 1930s Custer patented the Custer Car meant for the public road. Available with a gasoline motor or battery-operated, the car came with an unusual type of transmission: The driver moved the steering handle forward or backward, and the car would move in that direction.
9A H1847
"3CL-Caroga Lake State Camp, Caroga Lake, N.Y," C.W Hughes publisher, Teich printer. Production number: 9A H1847, dates card to 1939, postmarked 1945 (Johnstown).
9 AH1848
"4CL-Caroga Lake State Camp, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich publisher, production number 9 AH1848 dates the card to 1939.
"7-CL- Caroga Lake with Sherman's Bathing Beach in Distance, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," C. W. Hughes Co. publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 9A-H1849 (1939?). Postmark: 1946 (Gloversville).
"View from Kane Mountain, near Caroga Lake. Shows Canada, Lily, and West Lakes, Adirondack Mts., N.Y." no. 29 (9A-H1950), published by C.W. Hughes & Co., Mechanicsville, N.Y. The production number according to the Teich archives indicates a date of 1939.
View from Kane Mountain, published by C. W. Hughes & Co.
"30-Pine Lake, N.Y. from Kane Mt., Adirondack Mts.,"
Teich printer; production number: 9A-H1951 dates card to 1939. (AF)
"28-Lookout Tower on Top of Kane Mountain, Pine Lake, N.Y. Adirondack Mts." C. W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer, Production number: 9A-H1952, dates card to 1939.
"14- The Midway at Sherman's Caroga Lake, N.Y.," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: 9A-H2236