|  | "East Caroga Stage Ch. Cole Prop," real photo postcard, divided back, Paper: variant of Cyko 5. EKD: December 1908 (Bogdan & Weseloh, p. 232) Postmarked: 1911? (Pine Lake). (DG) |
 |  | "Road between East Garoga Lake and Gloversville, N.Y," undivided back, Cowles and Casler handcolored. probably based on Rotograph. Postmarked: 1906 (Gloversville) (DG) |
 |  | "Road between Garoga Lake and Gloversville, N.Y" divided back, Cowles and Casler. Postmarked: 1907 (Gloversville). Note identifies spot as Peck's Park. (DG) |
 |  | "Caroga Lake," card likely based on a Rotograph but published by Cowles & Casler. Divided back. Postmarked: 1907 (Green Lake) |
 |  | "East Caroga Lake," Cowles & Casler (56397), divided back. Postmark: 1907 (Green Lake). The font used in the caption suggests card is based on a Rotograph. |
 |  | "East Caroga Lake, N.Y." Cowles & Casler Card (56397), postmarked 1909 (Gloversville). |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y. 12-39," divided back. Postmark: 1911 (Pine Lake). Card in the same series as the Canada Lake Steamer series. Like those, images are based on Rotograph originals. |
 |  | "Garoga Lake, near Gloversville, N.Y.," based on Rotograph, published by Cowles & Casler (11576), postmarked 1906 (Pine Lake). The shore road is a dirt road with the tracks of horses and carriages visible. Telephone polls line the road. Judging from the 1905 property map, the dominant building in the distance is probably the Central Hotel. It is notable how much open land is visible on the hillside above Caroga. This reminds us of the importance of the small family farm in the economy of Caroga during this period. (DG) |
 |  | "Garoga Lake, near Gloversville, N.Y." divided back, Cowles and Casler (11576). Postmark: 1907 (Fort Plain). |
 |  | "View of Garoga Lake near Gloversville, N.Y." Cowles & Casler card (11578) likely based on Rotograph original. Postmarked 1907 (Rockwood), divided back. |
 |  | "Caroga Lake," real photo postcard. Divided back. Paper: Azo 5 - EKD March 1910. Used to 1918 (Bogdan & Weseloh, p. 222). |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y." Cowles and Casler (56398), Handcolored Rotograph. Divided back. Postmark: 1907 (Green Lake) |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Cowles and Casler (56399). Divided back. Postmark: 1907 (Gloversville) |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y." Cowles and Casler (56399), divided back. |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y.," 612-41. Postmark?. Card in the same series as the Canada Lake Steamer series. Like those, images are based on Rotograph originals. |
 |  | Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Cowles & Casler card (56401) based on a Rotograph. Divided back. |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Cowles & Casler card (56401). Postmarked 1909 (Pine Lake). |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Cowles and Casler(56402). Divided back. Postmark: 1907 (Gloversville). |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Cowles and Casler(56402). Divided back. Postmark: 1909 (Canada Lake). |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y. 612-38," Postmark: 1911 (Gloversville). |
 |  | "Fort's Hotel Caroga Lake N.Y." undivided back, Postmark: 1905 (Pine Lake ?) (DG) |
 |  | "Sherman's Store, Caroga Lake, N.Y." divided back. (DG) |
 |  | "Fort's Hotel, Garoga Lake, near Gloversville, N.Y.," undivided back, Cowles & Casler (11577), postmarked: 1906 (Pine Lake). |
 |  | "Forts Hotel, Garoga Lake near Gloversville, N.Y.," divided back, Cowles and Casler (11577). Rotograph font used in the caption (DG) |
 |  | "Hotel, Caroga Lake, Near Gloversville, N.Y.," Cowles & Casler (11577), divided back, postmarked 1910 (Pine Lake). McMartin p. 135 illustrates a Rotograph version of the card. Frank Sherman ran a store and Post Office at his house from 1894 to 1900. It then became a boarding house and then a hotel. After Frank Sherman moved first to Canada Lake and then to Pine Lake, George Fort ran the hotel (McMartin, p. 134). Fort's Hotel appears prominently on the 1905 property map. |
 |  | "View Showing Fort's Hotel and Garoga Lake near Gloversville," undivided back, Cowles & Casler (11580). (DG) |
 |  | "View Showing Fort's Hotel & Caroga Lake near Gloversville, N.Y.," published by Cowles & Casler (11580), based on Rotograph original. divided back. Postmarked: 1910 (Gloversville). |
 |  | "View Showing Vroomans Hotel, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," undivided back. (DG) |

|  | "Vrooman's Hotel, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," divided back, Postmark: ? (Johnstown) (DG) |
 |  | Central Hotel, real photo postcard, divided back. Paper is probably Azo 5 EKD March, 1910 (Bogdan & Weseloh, p. 222). Postmarked: 1910 (Gloversville)(DG) |
 |  | Central Hotel, real photo postcard, photographer:Everett A. Fuller, Caroga Lake, N.Y., Postmark: 1911 ? (Gloversville), Paper: Kruxo 9, EKD: June 7, 1909 (Bogdan & Weseloh, p.230) (DG) |
 |  | "Ungers Boarding House, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," real photo postcard, divided back. Back is "Azo 6" with EKD October 1917. "Azo 7" EKD 1925. (DG) |
 |  | "Unger's Boarding & Rooming House, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," pub. for Unger's, Caroga Lake, N.Y.. Postmark: 1926 (Caroga Lake). (DG) |

|  | "Henry Knight's Store, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," divided back, Postmark: 1909 (Green Lake) (DG) |
 |  | "Knight's Store, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," real photo postcard, divided back, Postmark: 1910 (Gloversville) (DG) |
 |  | "Nicholson's Caroga Lake Public Market, Mid-Winter Scene," published by The Collotype Co., Elizabeth, N.J. and N.Y., divided back. (DG) |
 |  | "Nicholson's Caroga Lake Public Market, Mid-Sommer [sic] Scene," published by The Collotype Co., Elizabeth, N.J. and N.Y., divided back. (DG) |
 |  | "Bedfords Store, between East and West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," published by Chas. W. Hughes, printed by Teich. Production number: A-80506, probably 1919. Postmark: 1924, Caroga Lake. (DG) |
 |  | "Garlock's Store, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," pub. by E.H. Garlock, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.. Postmark: 1922? (Knights) (DG) |
 |  | "Garlock Store," printed: Auburn Post Card Mfg, Auburn, Ind. Divided back. (DG) |
 |  | "Berghoff's Trading Post, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 2A1485 dates card to 1932. After the store burnt it was replaced by the now closed Shutts' gas station (McMartin, p. 152). |
|  | Gloversville Morning Herald, May 28, 1929. |
 |  | "Highway to Caroga Lake, N.Y. 3," Hughes publisher; Teich printer, Production number: 4A433, dates card to 1934. Berghoff's Trading Post appears on the left. |
 |  | "Post Office, Caroga Lake, N.Y. 16," Linen, C. W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer. Production number: 4A371 (1934) (DG) |
 |  | "General Store and Post Office, Caroga Lake, N.Y. on Route 29A. Burtun H. Yates Postmaster," Eagle Post Card View Co., New York, N.Y. |
 |  | "Shore View, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.." Teich. Production number: A-15133. Postmark: 1911 (Knights) (DG) |
 |  | "West Caroga Lake, N.Y. Adirondack Mountains" Teich card (R-36416,1913), divided back. Postmarked: 1913 (Knights) (DG) |
 |  | "Veiw [sic] of Bridge East Caroga Lake," divided back, Postmarked: 1910 (Green Lake), (DG) See later card "Veiw from Sowle Cottage" The same paper is used. Also see "East Caroga Stage" card, likely the same paper. |
 |  | "The Bridge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y." Teich Card (A-15136, could be 1908-1910), divided back, postmarked 1911 (Gloversville). |
 |  | "The Bridge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer (production number: A-15136), divided back, white border card. (DG) |
 |  | "Veiw [sic] from..." real photo post card, divided back. Postmark: 1910 (Gloversville) (DG) |
 |  | "Channel, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich Card (A-15141, could be 1908-1910) divided back, postmarked 1911 (Gloversville). |
 |  | "Channel, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer (A-15141), white border reissue of previous card. |
 |  | "View (East) of Garoga [sic] Lake, near Gloversville, N.Y.," Cowles & Casler publisher (11579), undivided back. Postmark: 1906? (Gloversville). Format and font based on Rotograph. |
 |  | "View (East) of Garoga [sic] Lake, near Gloversville," Cowles & Casler publisher (11579), divided back. Postmark: 1908 (Green? Lake). |
 |  | "Shore Veiw [sic] West Caroga Lake," real photo postcard, divided back. Paper: Kruxo 7. EKD: December, 1907 (Bogdan & Weseloh, p.230). |
 |  | "West Caroga Lake," real photo post card, divided back. Paper: Cyko A2.66 EKD May 2, 1910. Same paper as "Veiw [sic] of Bridge East Caroga Lake" and "Veiw [sic] From Sowle Cottage East Caroga Lake." Possibly a picture of Charles Simonson in his "sleek white racing boat" named the Silver Fizz (Caroga, p. 140). |
 |  | "West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich Card (A-15139, could be 1908-1910). Postmarked: 1910 (Green Lake) |
 |  | "West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Chas. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: A-15139. |
 | | Real Photo Postcard, see McMartin, p. 143. |
 |  | "Lake View, West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich Card (A-15142, could be 1908-1910), postmarked: 1911 (Knights). |
 |  | "View from Cool Rest East Caroga," real photo postcard. Paper: Cyko 5: A2.66 EKD: 1910. (DG) |
 |  | "Veiw [sic] From Sowle Cottage East Caroga Lake," real photo postcard. paper: Cyko 5, A2.66 Variation B of A2.64. EKD May 2, 1910 (Bogdan & Weseloh, p. 232) Photo source for next two cards. See earlier card "Veiw of Bridge East Caroga." Same paper used. (DG) |
 |  | "Boating, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich Card (production number: A-15140). Postmarked: 1913 (Knights). (DG) |
 |  | "Boating, East Caroga Lake, N.Y. 20," published by Charles W. Hughes, printed by Teich (A-15140) This is a reissue of the older card. The treatment of the reverse is similar to Hughes / Teich cards of around 1930. |
 |  | "East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Cowles and Casler (56400). The same font used by Cowles and Casler in reissue of Canada Lake Rotograph. |
 |  | "East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Cowles and Casler (56396) publisher likely based on Rotograph as suggested by the font. |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y. 612-4?," Postmarked: 1915 (Knights) (another copy of the same card is postmarked 1914 (Knights) |
 |  | 2 Caroga Lake Cards from the same series. The format of these cards with their fonts and serial numbers are the same as the series of Canada Lake cards showing the steamer trip. |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y. 612-37," based on Cowles and Casler card. Postmark: 1911 (Knights) (DG) |
 |  | "Caroga Lake, N.Y. 612-40," Postmark: 1918 (Knights). 2 cent postage. |
 |  | "Mail Time, Sowles' Store, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis (Plate 4607), Postmark: 1915 (Gloversville)
'Punty' Sowles ran a store on the Gloversville Road across from Garlock Road, which he ran until 1919 (McMartin, p. 150). |
 |  | "Sowle's Cottage, East Caroga Lake," published by E.C Kropp Co. (Plate 4606), Milwaukee, Wis., postmarked: 1917 (Knights). |
 |  | "A Quiet Nook, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," E. C. Kropp Co., plate 4605. Postmark: 1914 (Knights). |
 |  | Real Photo Postcard of Nosomis Lodge. Postmark: 1910 (Gloversville). Paper the same as Canada Lake postcard "Canada Lake Looking North. Fulton's Steamer Passing Island." (DG) |
 |  | "View of Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts N.Y. 34". Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer: production number: A-91822. Number does not appear in inventory, but number suggests date 1922. Postmark: 1924 (Gloversville) (DG) For the Simonsons see McMartin, pp. 140-141. |
 |  | "Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich card. Production number: A-15135. (DG) |
 |  | "Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake, N.Y." Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer; Production number: A 15135. White border card. (DG) |
 |  | "View of Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts., N.Y. 34," Chas. W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer, Production number: A-91822. Postmark: 1926 (Gloversville) |
 |  | "Simonson Lodge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y." Teich Card (A-15137, could be 1908-1910), divided back. The Simonsons held church services every Sunday at their boat house which can be seen in the background of this card (McMartin, p. 140). |
 |  | "Foot Bridge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich Card (A-15138, could be 1908-1910), divided back, postmark is possibly 1911 (Knights). |
 |  | "Simonson Bridge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y." Charles W. Hughes card, Teich printer (A-72655, production number dates card to 1917), postmarked 1917 (Gloversville). |
 |  | "Cottages on Whitmans Point, East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts., N.Y. 31," Charles W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer; production number: A-91826 (indicates 1922). Postmarked 1925 (Gloversville). |
 |  | "Rustic Bridge Leading to Simonson Point, East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts., N.Y. 30," Charles W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer; production number: A-91826 (indicates 1922), divided back, postmarked 1924 (Gloversville) |
 | | "View from Footbridge," real photo postcard. Shows James' Point (see Caroga, p. 138). |
 |  | "View from Foot Bridge, East Caroga Lake, N.Y," Teich card (A-15134, could be 1908-10.), divided back. Postmarked 1911 (Knights). McMartin, p. 137: "One of the first stores at the south of the Caroga settlement belonged to the Knight family." It was located at the intersection of Rts. 10 & 29A. "H. Knight" is marked on the 1905 map. The store also served as a Post Office (McMartin, p. 150). (DG) |
 |  | "Pine Point, East Caroga Lake, N.Y." published by Amsterdam News Co., printed by Technor Bros. Inc. (67522) Linen card dating it in the 1930-1945 era. |
 |  | "View of Cottages, East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts. N.Y. 33," Chas. W. Hughes Publisher; Teich printer, Production number: A 91823 indicates a date of 1922 (DG) |
 |  | "East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," published by Charles W. Hughes, Teich printer. Production number: A-80512 (probably 1919) |
 |  | "View of the Northside, East Caroga Lake, N.Y. 43," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 106469 (1925). Postmark: ? (Knights). 2 cent stamp. (DG) |
 |  | "An Attractive Beach Scene on East Caroga Lake, N.Y. 39," Publisher: C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer: Production number: 106466 (1925). Postmark: ? (Knights) |
 |  | "East Caroga Lake, N.Y. from South Side 112," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number OA5017, 1930 |
 |  | "James Point, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Charles W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer; production number: A-80514 indicates a date of 1919. (DG) |
 |  | "One of the Pretty Coves, East Caroga Lake, N.Y.," published by Charles W. Hughes, printed by Teich. Production number: A-80513 indicates a date of 1919. Postmark: 1921 (Knights). |
 |  | "Cottages on Whitmans Point, East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts, N.Y. 31," Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: A-91825 indicates a date of 1922. Postmark: 1927 (Knights) (DG). |
 |  | "North Shore of East Caroga Lake, Adirondack Mts., N.Y. 32," Hughes publisher, Teich printer. Production number: A-91824 indicates a date of 1922. Note on card is dated June 5, 1923. |
 |  | "East Caroga Lake, N.Y. from South Side 25; Highway Bridge in Distance between East and West Caroga Lakes," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number OA5018, probably 1930. (DG) |
 |  | "Lake Front, West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich card. Production number: A-15143 (1908-1910). Postmark: 1912 (Knights) |
 |  | "West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Charles W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer (A-72653; production number indicates a date of 1917); postmarked: 1918 (Gloversville). 2 cent postage. |
 |  | "Glimpse of West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 48," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 106471 indicates a date of 1925. |
 |  | "Glimpse of West Caroga Lake, N.Y. -19CI. C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number:4A-H1566. Linen. Postmark: 1945 (Gloversville). |
 |  | "West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 19," Chas. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: A-80507 indicates a date of 1919. |
 |  | "Along South Shore of West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 26," C.W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer (production number on obverse: OA5021, probably in a series dating from 1930). Postmarked: 1935 (Caroga Lake). (DG) |
 |  | "Looking up East Caroga Lake, N.Y., as seen from the south 108," C.W. Hughes publisher. Teich printer. Production number: OA5014 (1930). Postmark: 1932 (Knights) (DG) |
 |  | "Looking North over West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 42," production number: 106468, indicating a date of 1925. Postmarked 1926 (Knights). Sherman's can be seen in the background.
 |  | "Looking Across West Caroga Lake, N.Y. from Highway 27," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer; production number: 0A5022; judging from production number, probably in a series from 1930. |
 |  | "Free Public Campsite, Caroga Lake, N.Y. 109," C. W. Hughes publisher, Teich printer (production number OA5015 dates card to 1930). Postmarked: 1931 (Gloversville). |
 |  | "Along South Shore, East Caroga Lake, N.Y. 111," C.W. Hughes publisher; Curt Teich printer. Production number: 0A5016 |
 |  | "3CL-Caroga Lake State Camp, Caroga Lake, N.Y," C.W Hughes publisher, Teich printer. Production number: 9A H1847, dates card to 1939, postmarked 1945 (Johnstown). |
 |  | "4CL-Caroga Lake State Camp, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Teich publisher, production number 9 AH1848 dates the card to 1939.
Sherman's | The two story pavilion and dance hall was opened in 1921 by Frank Sherman (McMartin, p. 222) |
 |  | "Caroga Lake and Midway at Sherman's Bathing Beach, West Caroga Lake, N.Y." Amsterdam News Co. publisher; Tichnor Bros. printers, 67518. |
 |  | "14-The Midway at Sherman's, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," C.W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 9A-H2236. Not listed in Teich archives but judging from the production number probably a date after 1939. Linen Card. |
 |  | "Sherman's Amusement Center, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Amsterdam Merchandise Co., publisher; Tichnor Bros. printers: Production number: 78912. Postmarked: 1951 (Gloversville). |
 | | "Midway and Amusement Center at Night, Sherman's Caroga Lake, N.Y." Tichnor Bros. printers (Production number: 78914) |
 |  | "Sherman's Bathing Beach, West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Published by Amsterdam Merchandise Co, printed by Tichnor, Inc, 67521. Postmarked: 1951 (Caroga Lake). |
 | | "In the Grove at Sherman's on Lake Caroga, N.Y.," Tichnor Bros. printers 78915 |
 | | "Caroga Lake with Sherman's Bathing Beach in Distance, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Tichnor Bros. printers (78908) |
 | | "7CL-Caroga Lake with Sherman's Bathing Beach in Distance, Caroga Lake, N.Y." Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Production number: 9A-H1849. Number does not appear in Teich list but it is close to cards from 1939. Linen card. Postmarked: 1946 (Caroga Lake). Same image is found in Tichnor Bros. card 78908. |
 |  | Sherman's, West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 117," C. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer. Postmarked 1934 (Caroga Lake). |
 | | "Bathing Beach, Caroga Lake, N.Y. 2CL," published by Teich, production number AH1570 does not appear in Teich list but AH1571 identified as Beaches Bathers does appear and is dated 1934. |
 |  | "Pier and Paddle Boats on Lake Caroga, N.Y.," Tichnor Bros. printers 78911 |
 | | "Bathing Beach, Caroga Lake, N.Y," Tichnor Bros. printers (78910) |
 | | "Bathing Beach, Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Tichnor Bros. printers, 67519 |
 | | "Bathing Scene at Sherman's on Lake Caroga, N.Y.," Tichnor Bros. printers 78913 |
 |  | "West Caroga Lake and Sherman's Bathing Beach, Caroga Lake, N.Y. 5" C. W. Hughes publisher; Teich printer; production number: 4A-H1571. Card does not appear in the Teich archives but it is probably in a series produced in 1934. |
 | | "Glimpse of West Caroga Lake, N.Y.," Tichnor Bros. printers, 78909 |
 | | "Sherman's Caroga Lake, NY, 41" Teich production number: 106467 indicates a date of 1925. |
 | | "Glimpse of West Caroga Lake, N.Y. 48," The production number (106421) does not appear in the Teich list, but it is close to cards produced in 1925. The two-story pavilion can be seen in the background, but the other buildings that formed the amusement park have not been added. |
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